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Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order

Last updated Apr 1, 2023 Edit Source

# Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order

# 1. How to anticipate the future by studing the past

currency devaluation: Back then paper dollars were also linked to gold which the us was running out of because it was spending more paper money checks then it had gold to exchange for them. Breaking the link to gold allowed the US to speding more than it erned, simply by printing more paper dollars, and the value of each dollar fell. Without a corrispendence in productinity, all this money went to buy lots of stocks gold and commodities and causes their price to rise!! The excact same things happend many many times before:

Principles: when central banks print a lot of money to relieve a crisis buy stocks gold and commodities because their value will rise and the value of paper money will fall

Principles: to understand what is coming at you you need to understand what happened before you

# 1.1 What is a Reserver Currency

After WW2 dollar as the world’s leading reserve currency a reserve currency is a currency that is commonly accepted around the world and having one is a key factor in a country becoming the richest and most powerful empire. And a new world order begins. This is what we define as a Big Cicle.

# 2 Big Cicle

If we take the history data, they transpired in overlapping cycles that lasted about 250 years with 10 to 20 year transition periods between them:

# 2.1 All the cycle of a new World Order

In a nutshell the big cycle typically begins after a major conflict often a war establishes the new leading power and the new world order.

Because no one wants to challenge this power a period of peace and prosperity typically follows as people get used to this peace and prosperity they increasingly bet on it continuing they borrow money to do that which eventually leads to a financial bubble.

When most transactions are conducted in its currency it becomes a reserve currency (peak of the curve).

Which leads to even more borrowing at the same time this increased prosperity distributes wealth unevenly so the wealth gap typically grows between rich and pour.

Eventually the financial bubble bursts which leads to the printing of money and increased internal conflict between the rich and the poor which leads to some form of revolution to redistribute well.

When a new rising power gets strong enough to compete with the dominant power that is having domestic breakdowns external conflicts most typically wars take place.

# 3 The three phase of a typical cycle

Let’s describe the typical cycle by dividing it into three phases the rise the top and the decline:

# 2.1 The rise
# 2.1 The top
# 2.1 The decline

the decline comes from internal economic weakness together with internal fighting or costly external fighting or both:

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